WE’RE IN” is a collaborative project for training and awareness raising of women entrepreneurs involving 5 European partners. The German Saarland University, the Spanish University of Vigo, as well as a business confederation (CEO), a Belgian association (Mompreneurs) and finally the business incubator of Saint-Etienne de Montluc. Over the course of the project, the partners have developed a range of different intellectual outputs that can now be easily accessed through this website. Please find below a specific description of the individual intellectual outputs as well as links to materials that were generated during the course of the project.
IO1: Workshop Concept “I create my own workshop”
Description: Apart from ideas, everybody needs a solid business plan. Therefore, the partners developed a business training aimed at enhancing women’s skillsets in business acumen. Apart from the workshop format that can be conducted face to face, we have also developed a German E-learning version that can be accessed by anyone.
IO2: Business training for women
Description: During the project we developed and tested a novel approach to help women develop business ideas from the scratch. Here you find the concept and slides that are necessary to conduct the workshop on your own.
IO3: Co-Development
Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1-8BdYYcprEB5maVEQEASmKPOMrA2R9LB?usp=sharing
Description: Women face challenges when starting a business. As does everybody. We developed a methodology of regular meetings between women entrepreneurs, as their exchange is crucial for learning on how to tackle even the most difficult situations.
IO4: Comic for Women Entrepreneurs
Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/13YSLfrWB5_5By2J98RsC-aEGrMrtKeUv?usp=sharing
Description: As there still is a comparatively low number of women starting their business, we have developed an interesting way of getting women interested in the topic. Please find the Comic “Women Entrepreneurs in Action” here in multiple languages to browse through
IO5: Motivational Video
Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1JgbZpzFLskjdotf4SRVp6xswyShVQe32?usp=sharing
Description: You already saw it at the start of this website, but to make this project truly European, we have added versions with subtitles in German, Spanish and French for even more women to get excited about entrepreneurship